The Hidden Cost of Discord in Relationships to Your Health and Wellbeing
Living with relationship discord can have far-reaching effects on our overall health and wellbeing, from physical ailments to mental health disorders. When discord dominates our lives, it can affect our ability to regulate emotions, leading to unhealthy behaviors and long-term negative impacts on our bodies and minds.
What is Relationship Discord?
Relationship discord is any conflict or disagreement in a relationship that makes two people feel estranged from each other. This can be anything from small words that are misunderstood to larger issues such as infidelity, alcoholism, or substance abuse. While the degree and cause of discord may vary between relationships, all types of discord have negative consequences for both partners.
What are the Physical and Mental Health Impacts of Discord?
Discord in a relationship can take a toll on both people’s physical and mental well-being. Physical health concerns may include fatigue, headaches, tension, increased blood pressure and heart rate, digestive issues, and insomnia. Mental health issues may include depression, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, impaired memory, and feeling disconnected from your own emotions or the world around you. Over time, chronic stress due to discord can compromise our immune system and lead to more serious illnesses.
Are There Any Biological Factors At Play in Stress?
Yes, there are biological mechanisms at play when we experience stress. When faced with a stressful situation, our bodies instinctively activate the fight-or-flight response – which is one of the body's natural defense systems. This sends our heart rate and blood flow into overdrive and triggers various hormones like adrenaline and cortisol to flood the bloodstream to help us survive or escape from danger. Long-term stress can cause these hormones to stay consistently high in our bodies, leading to negative side effects such as fatigue, insomnia, digestive problems and impaired immune system function.
How Can We Reduce or Eliminate Stressful Relationships From Our Lives?
The best way to reduce stress is to remove the source of stress. This could mean getting out of an unhealthy relationship, establishing boundaries in current relationships, or setting expectations and limits on how much time and energy you will give others. It’s important to remember that it’s ok to take care of yourself and make sure your basic needs are met before meeting the needs of others. Practicing self-care activities such as exercise, relaxation techniques, journaling, mindfulness, and quality time with family and friends can help you regulate your emotions and counteract any negative emotions that might arise from discordant relationships.
How Can We Maintain Healthy Relationships and Foster Social Support Networks?
Healthy relationships that bring emotional regulation and social support can be some of the best tools we have for managing life’s ups and downs. There are several ways to maintain healthy relationships, even if a current relationship is negative or discordant. Take the time to foster positive emotional connections by engaging in meaningful conversations, maintaining open communication, and sharing feelings thoughtfully and honestly. Connect with your personal/support network by reaching out to family and friends, joining local support groups, finding an online community to join, or connecting with other people who share similar interests. Finally, focus on developing personal skills like conflict resolution or nonverbal communication so you can better navigate challenging relationships.
Are you struggling with discord in your relationship or marriage? Licensed therapist Dr. Lori Runge specializes in helping foster healthy communication styles so you and your partner can create a plan that works for you. Schedule a free consultation today to set your relationships on a better track.